Church News Ministry

Year of Transformation!

Year of Transformation!

This year, we have chosen Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” as the key text for our reflections and study.  How can one follow Jesus Christ in a meaningful way? Paul, the Apostle responds to this question in the epistle.  He discusses the topics like how we live our life, to bring glory to God in our walk, standing firm, and living out the gospel. Really, it is a challenge for us! Unity is another topic Paul discusses in this epistle.  He appeals to the Philippians to have the same mind as Jesus Christ in order to bring unity and to translate the message of gospel into deeds. Despite being God, Jesus took the form of a servant to serve the entire humanity (Phil: 2:7). He chose to suffer to offer salvation. In addition, Paul writes, Jesus died “for us”. Jesus demonstrates obedience and humility by giving up glory and becoming a servant for the deliverance of the entire humanity. Humility of Jesus was demonstrated by his death on the cross. This is the central message of the gospel. Paul urges us to pursue the path of obedience and humility. However, following Christ’s way requires a significant change in our inner lives. The inner man/ inner consciousness is broadly defined as the element of a person that enables him/her to be aware of the world and him/her experiences, to think and act. Following Jesus Christ will become meaningful if our inner consciousness is in line with his teachings. Despite our best efforts, we cannot truly bear witness to the love of Christ until we undergo an internal transformation. Hence, our motto for this year encourages us to experience an internal transformation. And it is definitely a difficult one. Do we accept the challenge?  

May God Bless You All,