Every religion has its unique worship patterns. And modes of worship vary from one another. Every worship pattern, however, aims to glorify the God whom the worshipper adores. Broadly speaking, Christians do congregational worship. And it is a collective effort too. What makes us worship God? The response could differ. Human beings are created to worship God. God is worshipped for both his identity (who he is/ his divine essence) and his supernatural interventions (what he has done). In the discourse with the Samaritan woman, Jesus explains how we should worship God. John, the gospel writer, states, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24). Worshiping God requires the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Further, worshiping God in spirit and truth is made possible by the Holy Spirit. Worshiping the Lord can take many forms. It may be either liturgical or unwritten. The Bible outlines a few methods for worshiping the Lord, including praise and thanksgiving, prayer, reading the Bible, confession, obedience, tithes and offerings, singing, spending time with God, and using the God given skills to glorify Him etc. Worship gives God the honor He deserves. It enables us to recognize God as our creator and sustainer. Knowing who God is indeed an epiphany that will help us define how we live on this earth. May our worship enlighten our hearts and minds so that we truly understand our God -the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us worship Him in truth and spirit!